Discover the Best Time to Sow Parsley and Reap a Bountiful Harvest!

Discover The Best Time To Sow Parsley And Reap A Bountiful Harvest!

Are you a fan of parsley? If so, you’ve probably already planted it in your garden this spring! But can parsley be planted in September? When is the best time to do so? If you’re looking for gardening tips to ensure a bountiful harvest of beautiful parsley, you’re in luck! This article will provide all … Read more

Discover the Hidden Power of Lilacs – Create a Fragrant Garden Oasis with These Secrets

Discover The Hidden Power Of Lilacs Create A Fragrant Garden Oasis With These Secrets

Planting Lilac: When and How to Cultivate this Delicate Shrub Are you longing to experience the beauty and fragrance of the delicate lilac flower? If so, you’re in luck! The Deavita editorial team is here to provide you with all the information you need to successfully cultivate this undemanding shrub in your garden. From the … Read more

Discover the Secrets of a Vibrant Autumn Garden

Discover The Secrets Of A Vibrant Autumn Garden

Are you looking to add a touch of warmth and vibrant colors to your garden this autumn? Wondering which plants will capture the tender hues of the season? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we will guide you on how to create a colorful and vibrant autumn garden that will … Read more

Discover the Must-Prune Plants in August 2023 for a Thriving Garden

Discover The Must Prune Plants In August 2023 For A Thriving Garden

for pruning Thuja hedges. This allows the plants to recover and adjust to the pruning before the cooler months arrive.When pruning Thuja hedges, start by removing any dead, damaged, or diseased branches. Use sharp pruning shears to make clean cuts. Trim the hedge into the desired shape, making sure to cut back any overgrown branches. … Read more

5 Secrets to Growing Abundant Tomatoes in Your Garden

5 Secrets To Growing Abundant Tomatoes In Your Garden

to control their height throughout the growing season. This can be done by pinching off the growing tip, or “topping” the plant, when it reaches a certain height. Determinate varieties, on the other hand, naturally stop growing on their own once they reach a certain height or produce a certain number of fruit.How to stop … Read more

Discover the Secret to Propagating Roses in Water!

Discover The Secret To Propagating Roses In Water!

August is the perfect time to propagate your favorite roses, and one of the most effective ways to do it is by propagating them in water. This method is simple, clean, and guarantees results in just a month. If you’re interested in learning how to propagate roses in water, we’ve got you covered. Here are … Read more

Learn the Secrets of Propagating Aloe Vera: Effective Methods Revealed!

Learn The Secrets Of Propagating Aloe Vera: Effective Methods Revealed!

If you are a fan of the numerous benefits of aloe vera for the skin, chances are you have one of these precious plants at home. But have you ever wondered how to multiply your aloe vera plant? What is the most effective method? Can you propagate aloe vera through cuttings? In this article, we … Read more