Discover the Best Mushrooms to Gather in Autumn

Which Mushrooms in September-October? 8 Species to Gather + Harvesting Tips

Fall is the ideal time to gather mushrooms, and there are several edible species that appear during September and October. These mushrooms not only add a deliciously woody touch to dishes but also offer numerous . From reducing stress and fighting depression to providing essential vitamins, mushrooms are a versatile and nutritious food. Let's explore 8 species that you can gather during this time of the year and some tips for harvesting them.


Ceps, also known as porcini mushrooms, can be found in both deciduous and coniferous forests. Their flesh is thick and firm, with a heavenly aroma. Ceps thrive under spruces and pines, making them relatively easy to locate. When picking ceps, look for those that are sufficiently firm and avoid ones that are overripe or too old. Use a knife to cut them at the stalk level and carry them in a wicker basket to prevent rotting.

Yellow Boletes

Yellow boletes resemble ceps but have distinct differences in appearance. They have a larger, flatter cap and a less round shape compared to ceps. The yellow bolete is another species that can be found during autumn. Similar to ceps, it is important to choose firm mushrooms and use a knife for harvesting. Carry them in a wicker basket to preserve their freshness.


Chanterelles are yellow to orange in color and have a curved round shape. They grow from May to November in both coniferous and deciduous forests, as well as in non-calcareous soils. The flesh of chanterelles can vary from creamy white to pale yellow. When gathering chanterelles, ensure they are firm and slightly fibrous. Carry them in a wicker basket to prevent damage.

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True Morels

The true morel is a unique variety that does not have gills like other mushrooms. Instead, it has spaced ridges that are gray-brown, grayish fauve, or grayish violet. The spores of true morels are white or cream beige. The flesh is delicate, fibrous, and flexible. It is important to note that the false morel, also known as false morel, is equally edible but less flavorful. When harvesting morels, pay attention to the distinguishing features and avoid any mushrooms that raise doubt.

Black Trumpet

The black trumpet is characterized by its black, thin, and membranous flesh. It has a flared cap shaped like a hollow funnel. This mushroom can grow up to 10 to 15 cm in height and is typically found from September to February in wet areas under oak and beech trees. When gathering black trumpets, carefully examine the cap and stem. Carry them in a wicker basket to prevent damage and preserve their quality.


The hedgehog mushroom is another species that grows from September to February. It can be found in both coniferous and deciduous forests. Hedgehogs have a light brown cap and stem, sometimes beige or white. They are often mistaken for rough-stemmed boletes, but the hedgehog has a distinct fruity and delicious flavor. When gathering hedgehogs, ensure that they are the correct species and carry them in a wicker basket to protect their delicate structure.

Saffron Milk Caps

Saffron milk caps can be enjoyed from late September to late November. They have a cap with a hollow center and measure 4 to 10 cm in diameter. Saffron milk caps are usually orange in color and release milk or latex when cut. Take caution when handling them to avoid any potential allergic reactions. Carry saffron milk caps in a wicker basket to maintain their freshness.

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Harvesting Tips

When it comes to mushroom picking, there are a few general tips to keep in mind. First, consult a reliable source or expert to ensure you are gathering edible varieties. It is crucial to be able to recognize the mushrooms you are picking to avoid any potential risks. Additionally, choose mushrooms that are firm and avoid ones that are overripe or too old. Using a knife, cut them at the stalk level to preserve them and avoid damaging the mycelium. Lastly, opt for a wicker basket instead of plastic bags to prevent rotting. With these tips in mind, you can embark on a successful mushroom picking adventure!

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